Contest Terms & Conditions
Nominations Open: Monday, May 15 at 12:00:01 am (CT)
Nominations Close: Sunday, June 11 at 11:59:59 pm (CT)
Complete the nomination form at
Tell us about a teacher you know that goes above and beyond.
No purchase necessary. This is contest is open to early education, elementary, and high school teachers from Saskatoon schools and the greater Saskatoon area.
No cash value. Prize accepted as awarded.
$5,000 (“Prize”) towards a summer of REST & RELAXATION. Plus, $5,000 (“Prize”) to a LOCAL EDUCATION CHARITY.
The Prize of $5,000 to a LOCAL EDUCATION CHARITY will be donated on behalf of the winning teacher to support one (1) of two (2) local education charities, as determined by C95 (“Contest Organizer) and its affiliated partners:
Greater Saskatoon Catholic Schools Foundation
Saskatoon Public Schools Foundation
One grand prize winner (“Potential Winner”) will be selected from all nominations by a panel of Contest judges after the nomination closing date (June 11).
Selection criteria for Potential Winner is based on the written content of the nomination received. Eligibility of all entries will be reviewed and confirmed by the Contest Organizer. The Contest Organizer’s decisions are final.
The Potential Winner will be presented with by the Prize by the Contest Organizer before June 16.
In the event the Potential Winner does not accept the prize as awarded, and/or does not comply with all provisions as contemplated in the Contest Terms, the Contest Organizer shall have the right to disqualify the Potential Winner and select an alternate Potential Winner from nominations at the Contest Organizer’s discretion.
All entrants agree to be bound to Rawlco Radio’s full list of Contest Rules. Additional restrictions may apply.