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Outbreak at Regina linen facility involves 18 employees

Outbreak at Regina linen facility involves 18 employees

K-Bro Linen Systems in Regina. (Libby Giesbrecht/980 CJME)

More details are being revealed about the outbreak of COVID-19 at the K-Bro Linen Systems facility in Regina.

In a media release Monday afternoon, the Government of Saskatchewan said 18 workers at the facility had tested positive as of Sunday.

The 11 new cases of COVID-19 that were reported in Regina on Saturday were either K-Bro employees or close contacts of the employees.

All of those who tested positive for COVID-19, and anyone who was in close contact with them, are now self-isolating.

According to the government, 119 tests were performed at K-Bro Linens, while others were done at testing sites following a referral from HealthLine 811.

There are 150 employees at the facility and all of them have been tested.

K-Bro Linen Systems is a contracted company responsible for cleaning linens for health-care facilities in Regina and other parts of Canada.

The government stressed the risk of transmission is considered low.

“Employees of K-Bro Linens wear personal protective equipment, frequently wash their hands, stagger breaks and start/end times, maintain physical distancing between workstations and screen all employees before they enter the facility, which includes performing temperature checks,” the government’s release said.

“As well, a microbiologist has assessed K-Bro processes to ensure linens remain safe for use in health care facilities. The assessment determined there is no safety concern for processed linen.”

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